Noix de Tagua


Notre noix de Tagua en poudre qui pousse de manière sauvage dans la forêt tropicale équatorienne, dans le monde cosmétique le nom est INCI: Phytelephas aequatorilis Seed Powder, cet ingrédient pour la formulation de cosmétiques contient des ingrédients biologiques, non testés sur les animaux, végétaliens et durables, c'est un remplacement pour le plastique microbilles. Notre [...]

Noix de Tagua2022-06-25T15:29:50-05:00

alternative with the replacement of polyethylene microbeads.


Plastic microspheres are the tiny plastic particles that some cosmetic products contain, such as toothpastes, shower gels or scrubs, which include them because of their abrasive capacity. Microplastics are a theoretically small part of the problem of contamination by plastics, but their impact is especially serious because they are used in products whose waste goes down [...]

alternative with the replacement of polyethylene microbeads.2019-11-08T22:16:25-05:00

microbeads tagua


the microbeads are everywhere, they are so tiny that it becomes very difficult to filter in the industrial purifications of water, these microbeads are present in lotions, soaps and our toothpastes. Currently is working for the replacement of plastic beads, due to the damage they do to the environment. Among the natural alternatives we [...]

microbeads tagua2017-12-05T13:41:48-05:00



The Scrub-tagua component combines an eco-responsible natural alternative with the replacement of polyethylene microbeads. The small plastic beads end their career in nature and more in the oceans. A subtle and catastrophic pollution. 100% renewable and also excellent biodegradability, Scrub tagua is safe for the environment. 100% Organic Eco-responsible, Tagua Microbeads are natural from plant [...]


microbeads alternatives


This prohibition must be seen by brands as an opportunity to differentiate themselves from the competition, achieving the desired added value of being "eco-friendly". For sure, all the brands of comésticos are already investigating a replacement for this harmful component of their products. Innovation and creativity will prevail in this task of the R & [...]

microbeads alternatives2017-12-21T14:15:56-05:00

microspheres corozo


Among the plastic wastes that exist in the marine waters we distinguish two types according to their size: macroplastics and microplastics. Most of the microplastics are formed from the larger ones, due to the physical degradations (waves, temperature, solar radiation) and chemical (oxidation, hydrolysis), which produce a continuous fragmentation in smaller elements. Micropastics have a [...]

microspheres corozo2017-09-26T16:22:00-05:00
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