Ecuadorian tagua seed powder


Natural cosmetics have emerged as a new development phenomenon and are identified in practice by eco-responsible production. Based on these two trends that require environmental care and personal care free of chemicals. Our company Sosa Export launched tagua nut powder, a natural alternative, to the international market by eco-responsible production. The organic ingredient dissolves in [...]

Ecuadorian tagua seed powder2024-05-01T18:23:18-05:00

Phytelephas Aequatorialis Powder | Manufacturer |


Sosa-Export is the manufacturer of tagua powder, ❖ INCI ❖ Phytelephas Aequatorialis Seed Powder ❖ which has been working since 2014. In this year, thanks to our strategic partner in the US, we have been developing the tagua market, in the cosmetics industry we are still working to improve the fineness of our product, in [...]

Phytelephas Aequatorialis Powder | Manufacturer |2022-06-25T17:04:12-05:00

microbeads alternatives


This prohibition must be seen by brands as an opportunity to differentiate themselves from the competition, achieving the desired added value of being "eco-friendly". For sure, all the brands of comésticos are already investigating a replacement for this harmful component of their products. Innovation and creativity will prevail in this task of the R & [...]

microbeads alternatives2017-12-21T14:15:56-05:00

Alternatives to polyethylene microspheres in scrubs


Mechanical exfoliators produce a smooth and continuous peeling of the skin. They are used to remove dead cells, to clear the pores, to clean the skin and to accelerate the cellular renewal. Since 2015, US law prohibits the use of polyethylene or polypropylene microspheres in cosmetic formulations. These are synthetic plastic spheres between 1 and [...]

Alternatives to polyethylene microspheres in scrubs2024-05-01T18:27:46-05:00
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