Among the plastic wastes that exist in the marine waters we distinguish two types according to their size: macroplastics and microplastics.

Most of the microplastics are formed from the larger ones, due to the physical degradations (waves, temperature, solar radiation) and chemical (oxidation, hydrolysis), which produce a continuous fragmentation in smaller elements. Micropastics have a maximum size of 5 millimeters and distinguish three types: metric with a size between 500 microns and 5 mm; micropastics between 50 and 500 microns; and finally the nanoplastics, with a size smaller than 50 microns.


Nowadays the microespheres of tagua are alternatives ecological to take the environment, we wait help conserve. has microbeads of tagua  offers natural powder  as alternative to plastic microbeads. Tagua Nut is the new.

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sosa lema doris cristina