Natural Exfoliating Beads for Cosmetics


Nuestro Polvo de nuez de Tagua que crece de forma silvestre en la selva ecuatoriana, en el mundo cosmético el nombre es INCI: Phytelephas aequatorilis Seed Powder , este ingrediente para la formulación de cosméticos tiene ingredientes orgánicos, no probados en animales, veganos y sustentables, es un reemplazo del plástico microperlas Nuestro producto de tagua [...]

Natural Exfoliating Beads for Cosmetics2023-06-08T12:27:49-05:00

What alternative to microparticles exist?


Natural vegetable pearls Conventional scrubs with mechanical abrasive bodies often contain plastic particles, salt crystals or plastic particles that can damage the epidermis and thus destroy the skin's protective barrier. The consequence is that the skin responds with a stronger cornification, which is just the opposite of the desired effect. Tagua pearls have a rolling [...]

What alternative to microparticles exist?2022-06-25T16:42:27-05:00

Water pollution microbeads, there are natural alternatives !!!


Microbeads can cause plastic particle water pollution and pose an environmental hazard for aquatic animals in freshwater and ocean water. ... Several other countries have also banned microbeads from rinse-off cosmetics, including Canada, France, New Zealand, Sweden, Taiwan and the United Kingdom. Applications for cosmetics Scrub Tagua can be used in the following products: Any [...]

Water pollution microbeads, there are natural alternatives !!!2019-11-14T21:24:27-05:00

alternative with the replacement of polyethylene microbeads.


Plastic microspheres are the tiny plastic particles that some cosmetic products contain, such as toothpastes, shower gels or scrubs, which include them because of their abrasive capacity. Microplastics are a theoretically small part of the problem of contamination by plastics, but their impact is especially serious because they are used in products whose waste goes down [...]

alternative with the replacement of polyethylene microbeads.2019-11-08T22:16:25-05:00

What are microplastics and where do they come from?


Microplastics are tiny pieces of plastic material whose size is usually less than 5 millimeters. They can be divided into two categories:Primary microplastics Small particles thrown directly into the environmentIt is estimated that they represent between 15% and 31% of microplastics in the oceans35% of primary microplastics come from washing synthetic clothesAbrasion of tires in [...]

What are microplastics and where do they come from?2019-11-08T22:04:21-05:00

microbeads tagua


the microbeads are everywhere, they are so tiny that it becomes very difficult to filter in the industrial purifications of water, these microbeads are present in lotions, soaps and our toothpastes. Currently is working for the replacement of plastic beads, due to the damage they do to the environment. Among the natural alternatives we [...]

microbeads tagua2017-12-05T13:41:48-05:00



The Scrub-tagua component combines an eco-responsible natural alternative with the replacement of polyethylene microbeads. The small plastic beads end their career in nature and more in the oceans. A subtle and catastrophic pollution. 100% renewable and also excellent biodegradability, Scrub tagua is safe for the environment. 100% Organic Eco-responsible, Tagua Microbeads are natural from plant [...]




ラ・インダストリア・コスメティカ・ユーロペア・リデュシード・デ・フォーマル・オーガナイザ82%エル・ソー・ア・ミクロ・パルセイカス・プロダクツ・コスメティック・コスメティック・パーソナル・コンフンズエクスポージャー 化粧品ヨーロッパは、2020年にプエスタ・アンド・エル・メルカドと並んで、コメルティコス・クルーズ・エンジェル・カントリー・オブ・ザ・マイクロソフト・カンパニー・オブ・ミネソタ、 taguaは、生分解性の剥離剤、有機性のより多くの情報に基づいた化粧品業界の新しいフォーミュラです


microbeads alternatives


This prohibition must be seen by brands as an opportunity to differentiate themselves from the competition, achieving the desired added value of being "eco-friendly". For sure, all the brands of comésticos are already investigating a replacement for this harmful component of their products. Innovation and creativity will prevail in this task of the R & [...]

microbeads alternatives2017-12-21T14:15:56-05:00

microbeads organic tagua, alternative to microbeads plastics


Microspheres or microparticles (microbeads) are a subgroup within the group of microplastics. They are granules of very small size, between 0.1 micrometers (μm) to 5 millimeters (mm), round or irregular in shape, the purpose of which is to abrasive effect . These are widely used in cleaning products personal and beauty, making up to 10% [...]

microbeads organic tagua, alternative to microbeads plastics2017-10-19T15:26:39-05:00
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