

The Scrub-tagua component combines an eco-responsible natural alternative with the replacement of polyethylene microbeads. The small plastic beads end their career in nature and more in the oceans. A subtle and catastrophic pollution. 100% renewable and also excellent biodegradability, Scrub tagua is safe for the environment. 100% Organic Eco-responsible, Tagua Microbeads are natural from plant [...]


microbeads alternatives


This prohibition must be seen by brands as an opportunity to differentiate themselves from the competition, achieving the desired added value of being "eco-friendly". For sure, all the brands of comésticos are already investigating a replacement for this harmful component of their products. Innovation and creativity will prevail in this task of the R & [...]

microbeads alternatives2017-12-21T14:15:56-05:00

microbeads organic tagua, alternative to microbeads plastics


Microspheres or microparticles (microbeads) are a subgroup within the group of microplastics. They are granules of very small size, between 0.1 micrometers (μm) to 5 millimeters (mm), round or irregular in shape, the purpose of which is to abrasive effect . These are widely used in cleaning products personal and beauty, making up to 10% [...]

microbeads organic tagua, alternative to microbeads plastics2017-10-19T15:26:39-05:00

End of plastic beads in USA and EUROPE


"Many personal hygiene products such as shower gels, facial scrubs and toothpastes contain plastic microspheres to perform cleaning processes. However, through sewage systems these tiny particles end up in the sea and can cause serious damage to its inhabitants. " Tiny but very harmful Scientists have shown that microbeads are able to enter the food [...]

End of plastic beads in USA and EUROPE2017-10-17T22:11:21-05:00
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