Tagua Nut Powder is a scrub INCI: Phytelephas Aequatorialis Powder

The remplacement perfect, for microbeads plastics, have led consumers materials sustainable naturals biodegradable eco friendly cosmetic that uses natural ingredients.

Tagua nut Powder is a natural, is an excellent choice to use as an ingredient for body care and cosmetic purposes.

Our product of Tagua Nut powder is naturally white, is obteneid, of natural process withouth chemical, ingredient to beauty and skincare formulation.

There are many families who live by caring for the native natural forests of tagua, this sustainable source, allows to protect the tropical forest and its resources

We take  special care in the production process, wich has allowed us to export our product to the most demanding markets in the world.

We look forward to meeting your request, so we seek a long-term business relationship with a good price and excellent quality. Do not hesitate to contact us.

